Pay attention.
Be astonished.
Tell about it.
—Mary Oliver
My name is Kari Pearson (she/her), I’m an artist and writer from Minneapolis, Minnesota.
As a visual storyteller, I believe that creativity is a way of being, and everyday life is an art form. In this bewildering sea of existence, words and images are lifelines that connect us. Stories keep us from going under.
I’ve always wanted to know what’s true, which is why I’m a terrible liar. It’s also why I write creative non-fiction. I want to understand how broken hearts keep beating, how joy colors grief, how laughter and despair feel more like flip sides of the same coin than different currency. Words help me make sense out of nonsense and amplify everyday wonders. For their diminutive size, small moments are where I find the most meaning.
My visual art tells a non-linear story, where the ending hasn’t been written yet. This public work imagines the world as a playground where the audience interacts with art, as opposed to viewing it on a blank gallery wall. In this dynamic space, I play with unusual venues and situations, using bright color and mixed media to create site-specific performances and installations.
My creative practice is an open investigation and a love letter to the universe. Like any good investigation, I have lots of files. These include piles of sketchbooks, mountains of journals, a wolf claw replica, and other weird things that rarely see the light of day. Like any love letter worth its salt, this is all undertaken with a burning passion that’s totally unreasonable.